Деловой форум мастеров


- Greenland Ice Sheet May Melt Completely With 1.6 Degrees of Global Warming
- Fiery Volcano Offers Geologic Glimpse Into Land That Time Forgot
- Targeting Bacterial Gas Defenses Allow for Increased Efficacy of Numerous Antibiotics
- Workings of Molecular Motor Revealed
- Ancient Stars Shed Light On the Prehistory of the Milky Way
- Nanoparticles in Food, Vitamins Could Harm Human Health, Researchers Warn
- Mystery of Source of Supernova in Nearby Galaxy Solved
- Scientists Find Microbes in Lava Tube Living in Conditions Like Those On Mars
- Ancient Domesticated Dog Skull Found in Siberian Cave: 33,000 Years Old
- Mystery Human Fossils Put Spotlight On China
- Global Winds Could Explain Record Rains, Tornadoes
- Archaeologists Find Blade 'Production Lines' Existed as Much as 400,000 Years Ago
- Mom's Love Good for Child's Brain
- Does Antimatter Weigh More, Less or the Same as Matter?
- Was the Little Ice Age Triggered by Massive Volcanic Eruptions?
- Climate Change, Increasing Temperatures Alter Bird Migration Patterns
- How Hemp Got High: Cannabis Genome Mapped
- Evidence Builds That Meditation Strengthens the Brain
- Biologists Replicate Key Evolutionary Step
- Following Genetic Footprints out of Africa: First Modern Humans Settled in Arabia
- Tropical Sea Temperatures Influence Melting in Antarctica
- 'Junk DNA' Defines Differences Between Humans and Chimps
- New Layer of Genetic Information Helps Determine How Fast Proteins Are Produced
- More Than 7,500-Year-Old Fish Traps Found in Russia
- Lyme Disease Surge Predicted for Northeastern US: Due to Acorns and Mice, Not Mild Winter
- Acquired Traits Can Be Inherited Via Small RNAs
- Meteorite Shockwaves Trigger Dust Avalanches On Mars
- Picky Females Promote Diversity
- Controlling Light at Will: Metamaterials Will Change Optics
- Conformity Linked to the Size of a Brain Region
- Hubble Finds Quasars Acting as Gravitational Lenses
- Why Some Animals Live Longer Than Others
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Archeologists Discover Huge Ancient Greek Commercial Area On Island of Sicily
- Severe Python Damage to Florida's Native Everglades Animals Documented in New Study
- Early Primate Had Transitional Lemur-Like Grooming Claw
- Planck All-Sky Images Show Cold Gas and Strange Haze in Milky Way Galaxy
- Artificial 'Womb' Unlocks Secrets of Early Embryo Development
- Theory of the 'Rotting' Y Chromosome Dealt a Fatal Blow
- Afghans Share Unique Genetic Heritage, DNA Analysis Shows
- On the Path to Age-Defying Therapies
- Discovery of a 'Dark State' Could Mean a Brighter Future for Solar Energy
- Newborn Stars Emerge from Dark Clouds in Taurus
- Brain Imaging Study Finds Evidence of Basis for Caregiving Impulse
- New Comparison of Ocean Temperatures Reveals Rise Over the Last Century
- Extended Synaptic Development May Explain Our Cognitive Edge Over Other Primates
- NASA Orbiter Catches Mars Sand Dunes in Motion
- Patterns Seen in Spider Silk and Melodies Connected
- Why Do Dinosaur Skeletons Look So Weird?
- Members of Small Monkey Groups More Likely to Fight for Their Group
- 'Dark Plasmons' Transmit Energy
- Replacing Electricity With Light: First Physical 'Metatronic' Circuit Created
- Mouse to Elephant? Just Wait 24 Million Generations
- Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen More Complicated Than Previously Thought
- Teaching Fat Cells to Burn Calories: New Target Against Obesity Involves Brown Fat
- Spider Web's Strength Lies in More Than Its Silk
- Fish of Antarctica Threatened by Climate Change
- Tactic to Delay Age-Related Disorders
- Tiny Primate Is Ultrasonic Communicator
- Great Eruption Replay: Astronomers Watch Delayed Broadcast of Powerful Stellar Eruption
- Corals 'Could Survive a More Acidic Ocean'
- Milky Way's Black Hole Found Grazing On Asteroids
- Sharp Images from the Living Mouse Brain
- El Gordo: A 'Fat' Distant Galaxy Cluster
- Hovering Not Hard If You're Top-Heavy
- Discovery Uses 'Fracture Putty' to Repair Broken Bone in Days
- Step Forward in Effort to Regenerate Damaged Nerves
- Surprise: Protons Bypass Hydrogen Bonds but Still Change Molecules
- Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs' Skin Patterns
- 'Lost World' Discovered Around Antarctic Vents
- Entire Genome of Extinct Human Decoded from Fossil
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- Ancient Depiction of Childbirth Discovered at Etruscan Site in Tuscany
- Offsetting Global Warming: Molecule in Earth's Atmosphere Could 'Cool the Planet'
- Ecologists Capture First Deep-Sea Fish Noises
- Genetic Variation in Human Gut Viruses Could Be Raw Material for Inner Evolution
- Past in Monsoon Changes Linked to Major Shifts in Indian Civilizations
- Analyses of a Tiny Comet Grain Dates Jupiter's Formation
- Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves the Way to Programmable Quantum Processors
- Global Extinction: Gradual Doom Is Just as Bad as Abrupt
- Venice Hasn't Stopped Sinking After All
- Skin Cells Turned Into Neural Precusors, Bypassing Stem-Cell Stage
- Detecting the 'Heartbeat' of Smallest Black Hole Candidate
- Ionized Plasmas as Cheap Sterilizers for Developing World
- Human Brains Are Made of the Same Stuff, Despite DNA Differences
- Stratospheric Superbugs Offer New Source of Power
- Oil from Deepwater Horizon Disaster Entered Food Chain in the Gulf of Mexico
- NASA Study Solves Case of Earth's 'Missing Energy'
- Ancient DNA Holds Clues to Climate Change Adaptation
- New Class of Antimalarial Compounds Discovered
- New Particle at Large Hadron Collider Discovered by ATLAS Experiment
- Watching Motion of Electrons in Molecules During Chemical Reactions
- Winged Dinosaur Archaeopteryx Dressed for Flight
- Geologic Map of Jupiter's Moon Io Details an Otherworldly Volcanic Surface
- Single Antibody Shrinks Variety of Human Tumors Transplanted Into Mice, Study Shows
- Graphene Electronics Moves Into a Third Dimension
- Nowhere to Hide: Tigers Threatened by Human Destruction of Groundcover
- Astronomers Discover Rare Galaxy at Dawn of Time

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0 16 2013-02-25 23:50:39  Дмитрий
0 5 2013-02-25 23:50:21  Дмитрий
0 6 2013-02-25 23:49:58  Дмитрий
0 6 2013-02-25 23:49:42  Дмитрий
0 5 2013-02-25 23:49:24  Дмитрий
0 6 2013-02-25 23:49:05  Дмитрий
0 8 2013-02-25 23:48:46  Дмитрий
0 9 2013-02-25 23:47:33  Дмитрий
0 6 2013-02-25 23:47:12  Дмитрий
0 5 2013-02-25 23:46:56  Дмитрий
0 5 2013-02-25 23:46:39  Дмитрий

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